Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Modern Political Ideas Example

Modern Political Ideas Example Modern Political Ideas â€" Assignment Example > Christian democracyIntroductionAt a point in history Protestants and Catholics fought to a standstill. However some of the people still believe that the church and the state can be combined. The ruling parties in some countries are Christian democratic. However, their power remains within the constitution of their country. The issues they champion root from the Christian ideology their party is founded on. Researchers speculate the loss in power of Christian democracies especially on the European continent. The declining power comes at a time of intensified research on the Christian democracies. Christian democracies found their laws, opinions and actions on Christian values. The nineteenth century brought the birth of contemporary Christian parties. As the idea of liberalism popularised, the Catholic Church feared the loss of control of its flock mainly by education. Therefore it formed a party to challenge the liberal party. Two issues evidently resulted from the formation of th e party. The mixture of Christianity and politics remained challenging. Secondly, the Christian approach to politics attracted some individuals. Christian democracy effectively occupied its place after the Second World War. After the war in Europe the Christian parties had a role in repairing the countries. They spearheaded the formation of European Union and helped launch new party systems. By welfare and social security provision they managed to revive the economy. They based the social security on traditional families. Fascism had discredited the traditional nationalist Europeans right. Christian democrats therefore paraded themselves as ant totalitarians and despised godless communism. They branded fascism as a form of materialism and with their spiritualism provided a solution of the past. Several Christian democratic parties have emerged since then. Most Christian democratic parties operate with independence from the founder the Catholic Church. Their success was evident for a period of time. The Italian Christian democracy adopted the labour party as their replica. France, Georges Bidault described Christian democracy as “to govern in the centre, and pursue, by methods of the right, the policies of the left. The Christian democratic are viewed as a third option parallel to socialism and liberalism. Italy, Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium are countries in Europe that have embraced Christian democracy. South America has seen countries such as Venezuela, Chile, Costa Rica and El Salvador have electoral success. During the nineteenth century saw the liberalist suffer great electoral losses. Public opinion championed liberalism however they felt the need for Christian values to be the centre of their communities. However it did not last long. For instance; in Germany and Italy, a deal was; struck between the defenders of religion and the economic liberals. The morality and the market had to coexist. The compromise applied for a long time after that. There are fundamental principles that govern Christian principles. This include Christian fundamental values can be achieved by the appreciation that free and constitutional democracy is the only political system. Communism and socialism seemed to be forceful revolutions as opposed to slow improvements to achieve change. Striving for individual happiness and satisfactions well as economic and political self realisation. Responsibility of others and oneself. This combines liberalism, Christian social ethics and the rule of law. The principle of subsidiary. This involved the recognition of shared responsibility and the subjection of authoritarian paternalism to personal responsibility and decentralisation. Submission to the commandment of charity and political reason by solidarity with the weak in society. This required the people to care for the deprived and unfortunate in society.

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